Plateforme de génomique, IPMC UMR7275
660 Route des Lucioles, SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, 06560 VALBONNE
tél: 04-93-95-77-77, fax: 04-93-95-77-08


La plateforme de génomique fonctionnelle de Nice Sophia Antipolis existe depuis 1999. Initialement orientée vers la conception, la fabrication et l'analyse de puces à ADN, elle a contribué à ouvrir cette nouvelle technologie à une large communauté, mettant à cette occasion en place un système d'information performant (Mediante), capable de gérer de grandes masses de données, et fonctionnant en production depuis plus de 10 ans.

Tout en fournissant encore aujourd'hui un service d'analyse de puces à ADN s'appuyant sur la technologie développée par Agilent, son activité s'est principalement réorientée vers des services de séquencage à haut-débit (Illumina NextSeq500), offrant dans ce contexte de nombreux types d'analyses des acides nucléiques, et une capacité pour analyser de grandes collections d'échantillons, y compris au niveau de la cellule unique. L'activité de routine concerne des applications comme le RNA-seq, le smallRNA-seq, le CHiP-seq, le CLIP-seq, le reséquencage, mais des projets spécifiques peuvent aussi etre mis en place dans des domaines moins standards, comme le séquencage de novo de génomes, ou certains protocoles particuliers : riboSeq, capSeq,... La plateforme se compose de 4 ingénieurs wet lab et de 4 bio-informaticiens.


  1. Pré-séquencage : Nanodrop, Bioanalyzer, Qubit, CovarisS2, Ion Chef, NeoPrep, Blue pippin
  2. Analyse Single Cell : 10x Genomics Chromium, Fluidigm C1, Fluidigm Biomark
  3. Séquencage : NextSeq500 Illumina, MinION et PromethION Oxford Nanopore Technology, Chromium 10X Genomics
  4. Puces à ADN : High-Resolution Microarray Scanner Agilent, Station Affymetrix

Les résultats sont stockés automatiquement sur le portail d'informations de la plateforme Mediante. Cela concerne notamment les fichiers .BAM d'alignement, les fichiers .BW de couverture et l'ensemble des fichiers de l'analyse secondaire et des analyses statistiques conduites en partenariat avec le collaborateur. Sur demande l'ensemble des données brutes sont également mises à disposition et une aide est fournit pour la soumission des données vers la base de données publiques GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus).

Related publications

Mercey Olivier
 04 93 95 77 90
 660 route des lucioles 06560 Valbonne - Sophia-Antipolis

6 publications found

1. The MIR34B/C genomic region contains multiple potential regulators of multiciliogenesis. , FEBS Lett. 2023 Jun;597(12):1623-1637. doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.14630. Epub 2023 May 8. (Pubmed: 37102425)
Cavard A, Redman E, Mercey O, Abelanet S, Plaisant M, Arguel MJ, Magnone V, Ruiz García S, Rios G, Deprez M, Lebrigand K, Ponzio G, Caballero I, Barbry P, Zaragosi LE, Marcet B

The MIR449 genomic locus encompasses several regulators of multiciliated cell (MCC) formation (multiciliogenesis). The miR-449 homologs miR-34b/c represent additional regulators of multiciliogenesis that are transcribed from another locus. Here, we characterized the expression of BTG4, LAYN, and HOATZ, located in the MIR34B/C locus using single-cell RNA-seq and super-resolution microscopy from human, mouse, or pig multiciliogenesis models. BTG4, LAYN, and HOATZ transcripts were expressed in both precursors and mature MCCs. The Layilin/LAYN protein was absent from primary cilia, but it was expressed in apical membrane regions or throughout motile cilia. LAYN silencing altered apical actin cap formation and multiciliogenesis. HOATZ protein was detected in primary cilia or throughout motile cilia. Altogether, our data suggest that the MIR34B/C locus may gather potential actors of multiciliogenesis.

2. CDC20B is required for deuterosome-mediated centriole production in multiciliated cells, Nat Commun. 2018 Nov 7;9(1):4668. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06768-z. (Pubmed: 30405130)
Revinski DR, Zaragosi LE, Boutin C, Ruiz-Garcia S, Deprez M, Thomé V, Rosnet O, Gay AS, Mercey O, Paquet A, Pons N, Ponzio G, Marcet B, Kodjabachian L, Barbry P

Multiciliated cells (MCCs) harbor dozens to hundreds of motile cilia, which generate hydrodynamic forces important in animal physiology. In vertebrates, MCC differentiation involves massive centriole production by poorly characterized structures called deuterosomes. Here, single-cell RNA sequencing reveals that human deuterosome stage MCCs are characterized by the expression of many cell cycle-related genes. We further investigated the uncharacterized vertebrate-specific cell division cycle 20B (CDC20B) gene, which hosts microRNA-449abc. We show that CDC20B protein associates to deuterosomes and is required for centriole release and subsequent cilia production in mouse and Xenopus MCCs. CDC20B interacts with PLK1, a kinase known to coordinate centriole disengagement with the protease Separase in mitotic cells. Strikingly, over-expression of Separase rescues centriole disengagement and cilia production in CDC20B-deficient MCCs. This work reveals the shaping of deuterosome-mediated centriole production in vertebrate MCCs, by adaptation of canonical and recently evolved cell cycle-related molecules.

3. Characterizing isomiR variants within the microRNA-34/449 family, FEBS Lett. 2017 Mar;591(5):693-705. doi: 10.1002/1873-3468.12595. Epub 2017 Feb 28 (Pubmed: 28192603)
Mercey O, Popa A, Cavard A, Paquet A, Chevalier B, Pons N, Magnone V, Zangari J, Brest P, Zaragosi LE, Ponzio G, Lebrigand K, Barbry P, Marcet B

miR-34/449 microRNAs are conserved regulators of multiciliated cell differentiation. Here, we evidence and characterize expression of two isomiR variant sequences from the miR-34/449 family in human airway epithelial cells. These isomiRs differ from their canonical counterparts miR-34b and miR-449c by one supplemental uridine at their 5'-end, leading to a one-base shift in their seed region. Overexpression of canonical miR-34/449 or 5'-isomiR-34/449 induces distinct gene expression profiles and biological effects. However, some target transcripts and functional activities are shared by both canonical microRNAs and isomiRs. Indeed, both repress important targets that result in cell cycle blockage and Notch pathway inhibition. Our findings suggest that 5'-isomiR-34/449 may represent additional mechanisms by which miR-34/449 family finely controls several pathways to drive multiciliogenesis.

4. MicroRNAs as key regulators of GTPase-mediated apical actin reorganization in multiciliated epithelia, Small GTPases. 2016 Apr 2;7(2):54-8. doi: 10.1080/21541248.2016.1151099. (Pubmed: 27144998)
Mercey O, Kodjabachian L, Barbry P, Marcet B

Multiciliated cells (MCCs), which are present in specialized vertebrate tissues such as mucociliary epithelia, project hundreds of motile cilia from their apical membrane. Coordinated ciliary beating in MCCs contributes to fluid propulsion in several biological processes. In a previous work, we demonstrated that microRNAs of the miR-34/449 family act as new conserved regulators of MCC differentiation by specifically repressing cell cycle genes and the Notch pathway. Recently, we have shown that miR-34/449 also modulate small GTPase pathways to promote, in a later stage of differentiation, the assembly of the apical actin network, a prerequisite for proper anchoring of centrioles-derived neo-synthesized basal bodies. We characterized several miR-34/449 targets related to small GTPase pathways including R-Ras, which represents a key and conserved regulator during MCC differentiation. Direct RRAS repression by miR-34/449 is necessary for apical actin meshwork assembly, notably by allowing the apical relocalization of the actin binding protein Filamin-A near basal bodies. Our studies establish miR-34/449 as central players that orchestrate several steps of MCC differentiation program by regulating distinct signaling pathways.

5. miR-34/449 control apical actin network formation during multiciliogenesis through small GTPase pathways., Nat Commun. 2015 Sep 18;6:8386. doi: 10.1038/ncomms9386. (Pubmed: 26381333)
Chevalier B, Adamiok A, Mercey O, Revinski DR, Zaragosi LE, Pasini A, Kodjabachian L, Barbry P, Marcet B

Vertebrate multiciliated cells (MCCs) contribute to fluid propulsion in several biological processes. We previously showed that microRNAs of the miR-34/449 family trigger MCC differentiation by repressing cell cycle genes and the Notch pathway. Here, using human and Xenopus MCCs, we show that beyond this initial step, miR-34/449 later promote the assembly of an apical actin network, required for proper basal bodies anchoring. Identification of miR-34/449 targets related to small GTPase pathways led us to characterize R-Ras as a key regulator of this process. Protection of RRAS messenger RNA against miR-34/449 binding impairs actin cap formation and multiciliogenesis, despite a still active RhoA. We propose that miR-34/449 also promote relocalization of the actin binding protein Filamin-A, a known RRAS interactor, near basal bodies in MCCs. Our study illustrates the intricate role played by miR-34/449 in coordinating several steps of a complex differentiation programme by regulating distinct signalling pathways.

6. BMP signalling controls the construction of vertebrate mucociliary epithelia., Development. 2015 Jul 1;142(13):2352-63. doi: 10.1242/dev.118679. Epub 2015 Jun 19. (Pubmed: 26092849)
Cibois M, Luxardi G, Chevalier B, Thomé V, Mercey O, Zaragosi LE, Barbry P, Pasini A, Marcet B, Kodjabachian L

Despite the importance of mucociliary epithelia in animal physiology, the mechanisms controlling their establishment are poorly understood. Using the developing Xenopus epidermis and regenerating human upper airways, we reveal the importance of BMP signalling for the construction of vertebrate mucociliary epithelia. In Xenopus, attenuation of BMP activity is necessary for the specification of multiciliated cells (MCCs), ionocytes and small secretory cells (SSCs). Conversely, BMP activity is required for the proper differentiation of goblet cells. Our data suggest that the BMP and Notch pathways interact to control fate choices in the developing epidermis. Unexpectedly, BMP activity is also necessary for the insertion of MCCs, ionocytes and SSCs into the surface epithelium. In human, BMP inhibition also strongly stimulates the formation of MCCs in normal and pathological (cystic fibrosis) airway samples, whereas BMP overactivation has the opposite effect. This work identifies the BMP pathway as a key regulator of vertebrate mucociliary epithelium differentiation and morphogenesis.