Plateforme de génomique, IPMC UMR7275
660 Route des Lucioles, SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, 06560 VALBONNE
tél: 04-93-95-77-77, fax: 04-93-95-77-08


La plateforme de génomique fonctionnelle de Nice Sophia Antipolis existe depuis 1999. Initialement orientée vers la conception, la fabrication et l'analyse de puces à ADN, elle a contribué à ouvrir cette nouvelle technologie à une large communauté, mettant à cette occasion en place un système d'information performant (Mediante), capable de gérer de grandes masses de données, et fonctionnant en production depuis plus de 10 ans.

Tout en fournissant encore aujourd'hui un service d'analyse de puces à ADN s'appuyant sur la technologie développée par Agilent, son activité s'est principalement réorientée vers des services de séquencage à haut-débit (Illumina NextSeq500), offrant dans ce contexte de nombreux types d'analyses des acides nucléiques, et une capacité pour analyser de grandes collections d'échantillons, y compris au niveau de la cellule unique. L'activité de routine concerne des applications comme le RNA-seq, le smallRNA-seq, le CHiP-seq, le CLIP-seq, le reséquencage, mais des projets spécifiques peuvent aussi etre mis en place dans des domaines moins standards, comme le séquencage de novo de génomes, ou certains protocoles particuliers : riboSeq, capSeq,... La plateforme se compose de 4 ingénieurs wet lab et de 4 bio-informaticiens.


  1. Pré-séquencage : Nanodrop, Bioanalyzer, Qubit, CovarisS2, Ion Chef, NeoPrep, Blue pippin
  2. Analyse Single Cell : 10x Genomics Chromium, Fluidigm C1, Fluidigm Biomark
  3. Séquencage : NextSeq500 Illumina, MinION et PromethION Oxford Nanopore Technology, Chromium 10X Genomics
  4. Puces à ADN : High-Resolution Microarray Scanner Agilent, Station Affymetrix

Les résultats sont stockés automatiquement sur le portail d'informations de la plateforme Mediante. Cela concerne notamment les fichiers .BAM d'alignement, les fichiers .BW de couverture et l'ensemble des fichiers de l'analyse secondaire et des analyses statistiques conduites en partenariat avec le collaborateur. Sur demande l'ensemble des données brutes sont également mises à disposition et une aide est fournit pour la soumission des données vers la base de données publiques GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus).

Related publications

Pottier Nicolas
 04 93 95 77 90
 660 route des lucioles 06560 Valbonne - Sophia-Antipolis

12 publications found

1. The FibromiR miR-214-3p Is Upregulated in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Promotes Differentiation of Human Fibro-Adipogenic Muscle Progenitors. , Cells. 2021 Jul 20;10(7):1832. doi: 10.3390/cells10071832 (Pubmed: 34360002)
Arrighi N, Moratal C, Savary G, Fassy J, Nottet N, Pons N, Clément N, Fellah S, Larrue R, Magnone V, Lebrigand K, Pottier N, Dechesne C, Vassaux G, Dani C, Peraldi P, Mari B

Fibrosis is a deleterious invasion of tissues associated with many pathological conditions, such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) for which no cure is at present available for its prevention or its treatment. Fibro-adipogenic progenitors (FAPs) are resident cells in the human skeletal muscle and can differentiate into myofibroblasts, which represent the key cell population responsible for fibrosis. In this study, we delineated the pool of microRNAs (miRNAs) that are specifically modulated by TGFβ1 in FAPs versus myogenic progenitors (MPs) by a global miRNome analysis. A subset of candidates, including several "FibromiRs", was found differentially expressed between FAPs and MPs and was also deregulated in DMD versus healthy biopsies. Among them, the expression of the TGFβ1-induced miR-199a~214 cluster was strongly correlated with the fibrotic score in DMD biopsies. Loss-of-function experiments in FAPs indicated that a miR-214-3p inhibitor efficiently blocked expression of fibrogenic markers in both basal conditions and following TGFβ1 stimulation. We found that FGFR1 is a functional target of miR-214-3p, preventing the signaling of the anti-fibrotic FGF2 pathway during FAP fibrogenesis. Overall, our work demonstrates that the « FibromiR » miR-214-3p is a key activator of FAP fibrogenesis by modulating the FGF2/FGFR1/TGFβ axis, opening new avenues for the treatment of DMD.

2. The nuclear hypoxia-regulated NLUCAT1 long non-coding RNA contributes to an aggressive phenotype in lung adenocarcinoma through regulation of oxidative stress., Oncogene. 2019 Aug 15. doi: 10.1038/s41388-019-0935-y (Pubmed: 31417181)
Moreno Leon L, Gautier M, Allan R, Ilié M, Nottet N, Pons N, Paquet A, Lebrigand K, Truchi M, Fassy J, Magnone V, Kinnebrew G, Radovich M, Cheok MH, Barbry P, Vassaux G, Marquette CH, Ponzio G, Ivan M, Pottier N, Hofman P, Mari B, Rezzonico R

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide, with poor prognosis and a high rate of recurrence despite early surgical removal. Hypoxic regions within tumors represent sources of aggressiveness and resistance to therapy. Although long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are increasingly recognized as major gene expression regulators, their regulation and function following hypoxic stress are still largely unexplored. Combining profiling studies on early-stage lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) biopsies and on A549 LUAD cell lines cultured in normoxic or hypoxic conditions, we identified a subset of lncRNAs that are both correlated with the hypoxic status of tumors and regulated by hypoxia in vitro. We focused on a new transcript, NLUCAT1, which is strongly upregulated by hypoxia in vitro and correlated with hypoxic markers and poor prognosis in LUADs. Full molecular characterization showed that NLUCAT1 is a large nuclear transcript composed of six exons and mainly regulated by NF-κB and NRF2 transcription factors. CRISPR-Cas9-mediated invalidation of NLUCAT1 revealed a decrease in proliferative and invasive properties, an increase in oxidative stress and a higher sensitivity to cisplatin-induced apoptosis. Transcriptome analysis of NLUCAT1-deficient cells showed repressed genes within the antioxidant and/or cisplatin-response networks. We demonstrated that the concomitant knockdown of four of these genes products, GPX2, GLRX, ALDH3A1, and PDK4, significantly increased ROS-dependent caspase activation, thus partially mimicking the consequences of NLUCAT1 inactivation in LUAD cells. Overall, we demonstrate that NLUCAT1 contributes to an aggressive phenotype in early-stage hypoxic tumors, suggesting it may represent a new potential therapeutic target in LUADs.

3. The Long Non-Coding RNA DNM3OS is a Reservoir of FibromiRs with Major Functions in Lung Fibroblast Response to TGF-β and Pulmonary Fibrosis, Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2019 Apr 9. (Pubmed: 30964696)
Savary G, Dewaeles E, Diazzi S, Buscot M, Nottet N, Fassy J, Courcot E, Henaoui IS, Lemaire J, Martis N, Van der Hauwaert C, Pons N, Magnone V, Leroy S, Hofman V, Plantier L, Lebrigand K, Paquet A, Lino Cardenas CL, Vassaux G, Hofman P, Günther A, Crestani B, Wallaert B, Rezzonico R, Brousseau T, Glowacki F, Bellusci S, Perrais M, Broly F, Barbry P, Marquette CH, Cauffiez C, Mari B, Pottier N

RATIONALE: Given the paucity of effective treatments for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), new insights into the deleterious mechanisms controlling lung fibroblast activation, the key cell type driving the fibrogenic process, are essential to develop new therapeutic strategies. Transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) is the main pro-fibrotic factor, but its inhibition is associated with severe side effects due to its pleiotropic role. OBJECTIVES: We hypothesized that downstream non-coding effectors of TGF-β in fibroblasts may represent new effective therapeutic targets whose modulation may be well-tolerated. METHODS: We investigated the whole non-coding fraction of TGF-β-stimulated lung fibroblast transcriptome to identify new genomic determinants of lung fibroblast differentiation into myofibroblast. Differential expression of the long non-coding RNA DNM3OS and its associated miRNAs was validated in a murine model of pulmonary fibrosis and in IPF tissue samples. Distinct and complementary antisense oligonucleotide-based strategies aiming at interfering with DNM3OS were used to elucidate the role of DNM3OS and its associated miRNAs in IPF pathogenesis. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: We identified DNM3OS as a fibroblast-specific critical downstream effector of TGF-β-induced lung myofibroblast activation. Mechanistically, DNM3OS regulates this process in trans by giving rise to three distinct profibrotic mature miRNAs (i.e. miR-199a-5p/3p and miR-214-3p), which influence both SMAD and non-SMAD components of TGF-β signaling in a multifaceted way. In vivo, we showed that interfering with DNM3OS function not only prevents lung fibrosis but also improves established pulmonary fibrosis. CONCLUSION: Pharmacological approaches aiming at interfering with DNM3OS may represent new effective therapeutic strategies in IPF.

4. The stem cell-associated gene expression signature allows risk stratification in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia., Leukemia. 2018 Aug 8. doi: 10.1038/s41375-018-0227-5. (Pubmed: 30089916)
Duployez N, Marceau-Renaut A, Villenet C, Petit A, Rousseau A, Ng SWK, Paquet A, Gonzales F, Barthélémy A, Leprêtre F, Pottier N, Nelken B, Michel G, Baruchel A, Bertrand Y, Leverger G, Lapillonne H, Figeac M, Dick JE, Wang JCY, Preudhomme C, Cheok M

Despite constant progress in prognostic risk stratification, children with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) still relapse. Treatment failure and subsequent relapse have been attributed to acute myeloid leukemia-initiating cells (LSC), which harbor stem cell properties and are inherently chemoresistant. Although pediatric and adult AML represent two genetically very distinct diseases, we reasoned that common LSC gene expression programs are shared and consequently, the highly prognostic LSC17 signature score recently developed in adults may also be of clinical interest in childhood AML. Here, we demonstrated prognostic relevance of the LSC17 score in pediatric non-core-binding factor AML using Nanostring technology (ELAM02) and RNA-seq data from the NCI (TARGET-AML). AML were stratified by LSC17 quartile groups (lowest 25%, intermediate 50% and highest 25%) and children with low LSC17 score had significantly better event-free survival (EFS: HR = 3.35 (95%CI = 1.64-6.82), P < 0.001) and overall survival (OS: HR = 3.51 (95%CI = 1.38-8.92), P = 0.008) compared with patients with high LSC17 scores. More importantly, the high LSC17 score was an independent negative EFS and OS prognosticator determined by multivariate Cox model analysis (EFS: HR = 3.42 (95% CI = 1.63-7.16), P = 0.001; OS HR = 3.02 (95%CI = 1.16-7.85), P = 0.026). In conclusion, we have demonstrated the broad applicability of the LSC17 score in the clinical management of AML by extending its prognostic relevance to pediatric AML.

5. Tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxicity in mice is associated with microRNA deregulation, Arch Toxicol. 2018 Jan 23. doi: 10.1007/s00204-018-2158-3 (Pubmed: 29362864)
Vandenbussche C, Van der Hauwaert C, Dewaeles E, Franczak J, Hennino MF, Gnemmi V, Savary G, Tavernier Q, Nottet N, Paquet A, Perrais M, Blum D, Mari B, Pottier N, Glowacki F, Cauffiez C

Although Tacrolimus is an immunosuppressive drug widely used in renal transplantation, its chronic use paradoxically induces nephrotoxic effects, in particular renal fibrosis, which is responsible for chronic allograft dysfunction and represents a major prognostic factor of allograft survival. As molecular pathways and mechanisms involved in Tacrolimus-induced fibrogenic response are poorly elucidated, we assessed whether miRNAs are involved in the nephrotoxic effects mediated by Tacrolimus. Treatment of CD-1 mice with Tacrolimus (1 mg/kg/d for 28 days) resulted in kidney injury and was associated with alteration of a gene expression signature associated with cellular stress, fibrosis and inflammation. Tacrolimus also affected renal miRNA expression, including miRNAs previously involved in fibrotic and inflammatory processes as "fibromirs" such as miR-21-5p, miR-199a-5p and miR-214-3p. In agreement with in vivo data, Renal Proximal Tubular Epithelial cells exposed to Tacrolimus (25 and 50 µM) showed upregulation of miR-21-5p and the concomitant induction of epithelial phenotypic changes, inflammation and oxidative stress. In conclusion, this study suggests for the first time that miRNAs, especially fibromiRs, participate to Tacrolimus-induced nephrotoxic effects. Therefore, targeting miRNAs may be a new therapeutic option to counteract Tacrolimus deleterious effects on kidney.

6. Copy-number analysis identified new prognostic marker in acute myeloid leukemia., Leukemia. 2016 Nov 4. doi: 10.1038/leu.2016.265. (Pubmed: 27686867)
Nibourel O, Guihard S, Roumier C, Pottier N, Terre C, Paquet A, Peyrouze P, Geffroy S, Quentin S, Alberdi A, Abdelali RB, Renneville A, Demay C, Celli-Lebras K, Barbry P, Quesnel B, Castaigne S, Dombret H, Soulier J, Preudhomme C, Cheok MH

Recent advances in genomic technologies have revolutionized acute myeloid leukemia (AML) understanding by identifying potential novel actionable genomic alterations. Consequently, current risk stratification at diagnosis not only relies on cytogenetics, but also on the inclusion of several of these abnormalities. Despite this progress, AML remains a heterogeneous and complex malignancy with variable response to current therapy. Although copy-number alterations (CNAs) are accepted prognostic markers in cancers, large-scale genomic studies aiming at identifying specific prognostic CNA-based markers in AML are still lacking. Using 367 AML, we identified four recurrent CNA on chromosomes 11 and 21 that predicted outcome even after adjusting for standard prognostic risk factors and potentially delineated two new subclasses of AML with poor prognosis. ERG amplification, the most frequent CNA, was related to cytarabine resistance, a cornerstone drug of AML therapy. These findings were further validated in The Cancer Genome Atlas data. Our results demonstrate that specific CNA are of independent prognostic relevance, and provide new molecular information into the genomic basis of AML and cytarabine response. Finally, these CNA identified two potential novel risk groups of AML, which when confirmed prospectively, may improve the clinical risk stratification and potentially the AML outcome.Leukemia advance online publication, 4 November 2016; doi:10.1038/leu.2016.265.

7. MicroRNA target identification: lessons from hypoxamiRs., Antioxid Redox Signal. 2014 Sep 10;21(8):1249-68. doi: 10.1089/ars.2013.5648. Epub 2014 Feb 3. (Pubmed: 24111877)
Bertero T, Robbe-Sermesant K, Le Brigand K, Ponzio G, Pottier N, Rezzonico R, Mazure NM, Barbry P, Mari B

SIGNIFICANCE: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small noncoding RNAs that have emerged as key regulators of many physiological and pathological processes, including those relevant to hypoxia such as cancer, neurological dysfunctions, myocardial infarction, and lung diseases. RECENT ADVANCES: During the last 5 years, miRNAs have been shown to play a role in the regulation of the cellular response to hypoxia. The identification of several bona fide targets of these hypoxamiRs has underlined their pleiotropic functions and the complexity of the molecular rules directing miRNA::target transcript pairing. CRITICAL ISSUES: This review outlines the main in silico and experimental approaches used to identify the targetome of hypoxamiRs and presents new recent relevant methodologies for future studies. FUTURE DIRECTIONS: Since hypoxia plays key roles in many pathophysiological conditions, the precise characterization of regulatory hypoxamiRs networks will be instrumental both at a fundamental level and for their future potential therapeutic applications.

8. FibromiRs: translating molecular discoveries into new anti-fibrotic drugs., Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2014 Mar;35(3):119-26. doi: 10.1016/ Epub 2014 Feb 19. (Pubmed: 24560301)
Pottier N, Cauffiez C, Perrais M, Barbry P, Mari B

Fibrosis, or tissue scarring, is defined as excessive and persistent accumulation of extracellular matrix components in response to chronic tissue injury. Fibrosis is a pathological feature characterizing nearly all forms of chronic organ failure. Fibroproliferative disorders of liver, kidney, heart, and lung are frequently associated with considerable morbidity and mortality worldwide. Limited therapeutic options are available; none is yet effective in stopping the ultimate progression of the disease. This has prompted investigations for new molecular targets. Recent studies have shown aberrant expression of miRNAs (fibromiRs) during the development of fibrosis. The challenge now is to understand how these aberrantly expressed miRNAs collaborate to drive fibrogenesis. Progress in understanding how fibromiRs contribute to tissue fibrosis is necessary to translate molecular discoveries into new therapeutics for fibroproliferative diseases.

9. miR-199a-5p in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, Med Sci (Paris). 2013 May;29(5):461-3. doi: 10.1051/medsci/2013295006. Epub 2013 May 28. (Pubmed: 23732092)
Henaoui IS, Cauffiez C, Aubert S, Buscot M, Dewaeles E, Copin MC, Marquette CH, Barbry P, Perrais M, Pottier N, Mari B

10. miR-199a-5p Is upregulated during fibrogenic response to tissue injury and mediates TGFbeta-induced lung fibroblast activation by targeting caveolin-1., PLoS Genet. 2013 Feb;9(2):e1003291. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003291. Epub 2013 Feb 14. (Pubmed: 23459460)
Lino Cardenas CL, Henaoui IS, Courcot E, Roderburg C, Cauffiez C, Aubert S, Copin MC, Wallaert B, Glowacki F, Dewaeles E, Milosevic J, Maurizio J, Tedrow J, Marcet B, Lo-Guidice JM, Kaminski N, Barbry P, Luedde T, Perrais M, Mari B, Pottier N

As miRNAs are associated with normal cellular processes, deregulation of miRNAs is thought to play a causative role in many complex diseases. Nevertheless, the precise contribution of miRNAs in fibrotic lung diseases, especially the idiopathic form (IPF), remains poorly understood. Given the poor response rate of IPF patients to current therapy, new insights into the pathogenic mechanisms controlling lung fibroblasts activation, the key cell type driving the fibrogenic process, are essential to develop new therapeutic strategies for this devastating disease. To identify miRNAs with potential roles in lung fibrogenesis, we performed a genome-wide assessment of miRNA expression in lungs from two different mouse strains known for their distinct susceptibility to develop lung fibrosis after bleomycin exposure. This led to the identification of miR-199a-5p as the best miRNA candidate associated with bleomycin response. Importantly, miR-199a-5p pulmonary expression was also significantly increased in IPF patients (94 IPF versus 83 controls). In particular, levels of miR-199a-5p were selectively increased in myofibroblasts from injured mouse lungs and fibroblastic foci, a histologic feature associated with IPF. Therefore, miR-199a-5p profibrotic effects were further investigated in cultured lung fibroblasts: miR-199a-5p expression was induced upon TGFβ exposure, and ectopic expression of miR-199a-5p was sufficient to promote the pathogenic activation of pulmonary fibroblasts including proliferation, migration, invasion, and differentiation into myofibroblasts. In addition, we demonstrated that miR-199a-5p is a key effector of TGFβ signaling in lung fibroblasts by regulating CAV1, a critical mediator of pulmonary fibrosis. Remarkably, aberrant expression of miR-199a-5p was also found in unilateral ureteral obstruction mouse model of kidney fibrosis, as well as in both bile duct ligation and CCl4-induced mouse models of liver fibrosis, suggesting that dysregulation of miR-199a-5p represents a general mechanism contributing to the fibrotic process. MiR-199a-5p thus behaves as a major regulator of tissue fibrosis with therapeutic potency to treat fibroproliferative diseases.

11. Identification of keratinocyte growth factor as a target of microRNA-155 in lung fibroblasts: implication in epithelial-mesenchymal interactions., PLoS One. 2009 Aug 24;4(8):e6718. (Pubmed: 19701459)
Pottier N, Maurin T, Chevalier B, Puissegur MP, Lebrigand K, Robbe-Sermesant K, Bertero T, Lino Cardenas CL, Courcot E, Rios G, Fourre S, Lo-Guidice JM, Marcet B, Cardinaud B, Barbry P, Mari B

BACKGROUND: Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are critical in regulating many aspects of vertebrate embryo development, and for the maintenance of homeostatic equilibrium in adult tissues. The interactions between epithelium and mesenchyme are believed to be mediated by paracrine signals such as cytokines and extracellular matrix components secreted from fibroblasts that affect adjacent epithelia. In this study, we sought to identify the repertoire of microRNAs (miRNAs) in normal lung human fibroblasts and their potential regulation by the cytokines TNF-alpha, IL-1beta and TGF-beta. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: MiR-155 was significantly induced by inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-1beta while it was down-regulated by TGF-beta. Ectopic expression of miR-155 in human fibroblasts induced modulation of a large set of genes related to "cell to cell signalling", "cell morphology" and "cellular movement". This was consistent with an induction of caspase-3 activity and with an increase in cell migration in fibroblasts tranfected with miR-155. Using different miRNA bioinformatic target prediction tools, we found a specific enrichment for miR-155 predicted targets among the population of down-regulated transcripts. Among fibroblast-selective targets, one interesting hit was keratinocyte growth factor (KGF, FGF-7), a member of the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family, which owns two potential binding sites for miR-155 in its 3'-UTR. Luciferase assays experimentally validated that miR-155 can efficiently target KGF 3'-UTR. Site-directed mutagenesis revealed that only one out of the 2 potential sites was truly functional. Functional in vitro assays experimentally validated that miR-155 can efficiently target KGF 3'-UTR. Furthermore, in vivo experiments using a mouse model of lung fibrosis showed that miR-155 expression level was correlated with the degree of lung fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results strongly suggest a physiological function of miR-155 in lung fibroblasts. Altogether, this study implicates this miRNA in the regulation by mesenchymal cells of surrounding lung epithelium, making it a potential key player during tissue injury.

12. Relationships Between Early Inflammatory Response to Bleomycin and Sensitivity to Lung Fibrosis., Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2007 Aug 2; (Pubmed: 17673693)
Pottier N, Chupin C, Defamie V, Cardinaud B, Sutherland R, Rios G, Gauthier F, Wolters PJ, Berthiaume Y, Barbry P, Mari B

RATIONALE. Different sensitivities to pro-fibrotic compounds such as bleomycin are observed among mouse strains. OBJECTIVES. To identify genetic factors contributing to the outcome of lung injury. METHODS. Physiological comparison of C57BL/6 sensitive and Balb/C resistant mice challenged with intra tracheal bleomycin instillation revealed several early differences: global gene expression profiles were thus established from lungs derived from the two strains, in the absence of any bleomycin administration. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS. Expression of 25 genes differed between the two strains. Among them, two molecules, not previously associated with pulmonary fibrosis, were identified. The first one corresponds to dipeptidyl peptidase I (DPPI), a cysteine dipeptidyl peptidase (also known as cathepsin C) essential for the activation of serine proteinases produced by immune/inflammatory cells. The second corresponds to TIMP-3, an inhibitor of matrix metalloproteases and of ADAMs such as the TNFconverting enzyme. In functional studies performed in the bleomycin induced lung fibrosis model, the level of expression of these two genes was closely correlated with specific early events associated with lung fibrosis, namely activation of PMN-derived serine proteases and TNFalpha-dependent inflammatory syndrome. Surprisingly, genetic deletion of DPPI in the context of a C57BL/6 genetic background did not protect against bleomycin-mediated fibrosis, suggesting additional function(s) for this key enzyme. CONCLUSIONS. This study highlights the importance of the early inflammatory events that follow bleomycin instillation in the development of lung fibrosis, and describes for the first time the roles that DPPI and TIMP-3 may play in this process.