Plateforme de génomique, IPMC UMR7275
660 Route des Lucioles, SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, 06560 VALBONNE
tél: 04-93-95-77-77, fax: 04-93-95-77-08


La plateforme de génomique fonctionnelle de Nice Sophia Antipolis existe depuis 1999. Initialement orientée vers la conception, la fabrication et l'analyse de puces à ADN, elle a contribué à ouvrir cette nouvelle technologie à une large communauté, mettant à cette occasion en place un système d'information performant (Mediante), capable de gérer de grandes masses de données, et fonctionnant en production depuis plus de 10 ans.

Tout en fournissant encore aujourd'hui un service d'analyse de puces à ADN s'appuyant sur la technologie développée par Agilent, son activité s'est principalement réorientée vers des services de séquencage à haut-débit (Illumina NextSeq500), offrant dans ce contexte de nombreux types d'analyses des acides nucléiques, et une capacité pour analyser de grandes collections d'échantillons, y compris au niveau de la cellule unique. L'activité de routine concerne des applications comme le RNA-seq, le smallRNA-seq, le CHiP-seq, le CLIP-seq, le reséquencage, mais des projets spécifiques peuvent aussi etre mis en place dans des domaines moins standards, comme le séquencage de novo de génomes, ou certains protocoles particuliers : riboSeq, capSeq,... La plateforme se compose de 4 ingénieurs wet lab et de 4 bio-informaticiens.


  1. Pré-séquencage : Nanodrop, Bioanalyzer, Qubit, CovarisS2, Ion Chef, NeoPrep, Blue pippin
  2. Analyse Single Cell : 10x Genomics Chromium, Fluidigm C1, Fluidigm Biomark
  3. Séquencage : NextSeq500 Illumina, MinION et PromethION Oxford Nanopore Technology, Chromium 10X Genomics
  4. Puces à ADN : High-Resolution Microarray Scanner Agilent, Station Affymetrix

Les résultats sont stockés automatiquement sur le portail d'informations de la plateforme Mediante. Cela concerne notamment les fichiers .BAM d'alignement, les fichiers .BW de couverture et l'ensemble des fichiers de l'analyse secondaire et des analyses statistiques conduites en partenariat avec le collaborateur. Sur demande l'ensemble des données brutes sont également mises à disposition et une aide est fournit pour la soumission des données vers la base de données publiques GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus).

Related publications

Grosso Sebastien
 04 93 95 77 903
 660 route des lucioles 06560 Valbonne - Sophia-Antipolis

6 publications found

1. MiR-210 promotes a hypoxic phenotype and increases radioresistance in human lung cancer cell lines., Cell Death Dis. 2013 Mar 14;4:e544. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2013.71. (Pubmed: 23492775)
Grosso S, Doyen J, Parks SK, Bertero T, Paye A, Cardinaud B, Gounon P, Lacas-Gervais S, Noel A, Pouysségur J, Barbry P, Mazure NM, Mari B

The resistance of hypoxic cells to radiotherapy and chemotherapy is a major problem in the treatment of cancer. Recently, an additional mode of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-dependent transcriptional regulation, involving modulation of a specific set of micro RNAs (miRNAs), including miR-210, has emerged. We have recently shown that HIF-1 induction of miR-210 also stabilizes HIF-1 through a positive regulatory loop. Therefore, we hypothesized that by stabilizing HIF-1 in normoxia, miR-210 may protect cancer cells from radiation. We developed a non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC)-derived cell line (A549) stably expressing miR-210 (pmiR-210) or a control miRNA (pmiR-Ctl). The miR-210-expressing cells showed a significant stabilization of HIF-1 associated with mitochondrial defects and a glycolytic phenotype. Cells were subjected to radiation levels ranging from 0 to 10 Gy in normoxia and hypoxia. Cells expressing miR-210 in normoxia had the same level of radioresistance as control cells in hypoxia. Under hypoxia, pmiR-210 cells showed a low mortality rate owing to a decrease in apoptosis, with an ability to grow even at 10 Gy. This miR-210 phenotype was reproduced in another NSCLC cell line (H1975) and in HeLa cells. We have established that radioresistance was independent of p53 and cell cycle status. In addition, we have shown that genomic double-strand breaks (DSBs) foci disappear faster in pmiR-210 than in pmiR-Ctl cells, suggesting that miR-210 expression promotes a more efficient DSB repair. Finally, HIF-1 invalidation in pmiR-210 cells removed the radioresistant phenotype, showing that this mechanism is dependent on HIF-1. In conclusion, miR-210 appears to be a component of the radioresistance of hypoxic cancer cells. Given the high stability of most miRNAs, this advantage could be used by tumor cells in conditions where reoxygenation has occurred and suggests that strategies targeting miR-210 could enhance tumor radiosensitization.

2. "Seed-Milarity" confers to hsa-miR-210 and hsa-miR-147b similar functional activity., PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e44919. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044919. Epub 2012 Sep 13. (Pubmed: 23028679)
Bertero T, Grosso S, Robbe-Sermesant K, Lebrigand K, Henaoui IS, Puissegur MP, Fourre S, Zaragosi LE, Mazure NM, Ponzio G, Cardinaud B, Barbry P, Rezzonico R, Mari B

Specificity of interaction between a microRNA (miRNA) and its targets crucially depends on the seed region located in its 5'-end. It is often implicitly considered that two miRNAs sharing the same biological activity should display similarity beyond the strict six nucleotide region that forms the seed, in order to form specific complexes with the same mRNA targets. We have found that expression of hsa-miR-147b and hsa-miR-210, though triggered by different stimuli (i.e. lipopolysaccharides and hypoxia, respectively), induce very similar cellular effects in term of proliferation, migration and apoptosis. Hsa-miR-147b only shares a "minimal" 6-nucleotides seed sequence with hsa-miR-210, but is identical with hsa-miR-147a over 20 nucleotides, except for one base located in the seed region. Phenotypic changes induced after heterologous expression of miR-147a strikingly differ from those induced by miR-147b or miR-210. In particular, miR-147a behaves as a potent inhibitor of cell proliferation and migration. These data fit well with the gene expression profiles observed for miR-147b and miR-210, which are very similar, and the gene expression profile of miR-147a, which is distinct from the two others. Bioinformatics analysis of all human miRNA sequences indicates multiple cases of miRNAs from distinct families exhibiting the same kind of similarity that would need to be further characterized in terms of putative functional redundancy. Besides, it implies that functional impact of some miRNAs can be masked by robust expression of miRNAs belonging to distinct families.

3. On the Pro-Metastatic Stress Response to Cancer Therapies: Evidence for a Positive Co-Operation between TIMP-1, HIF-1α, and miR-210., Front Pharmacol. 2012;3:134. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2012.00134. Epub 2012 Jul 12. (Pubmed: 22807917)
Cui H, Grosso S, Schelter F, Mari B, Kruger A

In contrast to expectations in the past that tumor starvation or unselective inhibition of proteolytic activity would cure cancer, there is accumulating evidence that microenvironmental stress, such as hypoxia or broad-spectrum inhibition of metalloproteinases can promote metastasis. In fact, malignant tumor cells, due to their genetic and epigenetic instability, are predisposed to react to stress by adaptation and, if the stress persists, by escape and formation of metastasis. Recent recognition of the concepts of dynamic evolution as well as population and systems biology is extremely helpful to understand the disappointments of clinical trials with new drugs and may lead to paradigm-shifts in therapy strategies. This must be complemented by an increased understanding of molecular mechanism involved in stress response. Here, we review new roles of Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1), one transcription factor regulating stress response-related gene expression: HIF-1 is crucial for invasion and metastasis, independent from its pro-survival function. In addition, HIF-1 mediates pro-metastatic microenvironmental changes of the proteolytic balance as triggered by high systemic levels of tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-1 (TIMP-1), typical for many aggressive cancers, and regulates the metabolic switch to glycolysis, notably via activation of the microRNA miR-210. There is preliminary evidence that TIMP-1 also induces miR-210. Such positive-regulatory co-operation of HIF-1α, miR-210, and TIMP-1, all described to correlate with bad prognosis of cancer patients, opens new perspectives of gaining insight into molecular mechanisms of metastasis-inducing evasion of tumor cells from stress.

4. miR-210 is overexpressed in late stages of lung cancer and mediates mitochondrial alterations associated with modulation of HIF-1 activity., Cell Death Differ. 2010 Oct 1. (Pubmed: 20885442)
Puissegur MP, Mazure NM, Bertero T, Pradelli L, Grosso S, Robbe-Sermesant K, Maurin T, Lebrigand K, Cardinaud B, Hofman V, Fourre S, Magnone V, Ricci JE, Pouyssegur J, Gounon P, Hofman P, Barbry P, Mari B

Following the identification of a set of hypoxia-regulated microRNAs (miRNAs), recent studies have highlighted the importance of miR-210 and of its transcriptional regulation by the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). We report here that miR-210 is overexpressed at late stages of non-small cell lung cancer. Expression of miR-210 in lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells caused an alteration of cell viability associated with induction of caspase-3/7 activity. miR-210 induced a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and the apparition of an aberrant mitochondrial phenotype. The expression profiling of cells overexpressing miR-210 revealed a specific signature characterized by enrichment for transcripts related to 'cell death' and 'mitochondrial dysfunction', including several subunits of the electron transport chain (ETC) complexes I and II. The transcript coding for one of these ETC components, SDHD, subunit D of succinate dehydrogenase complex (SDH), was validated as a bona fide miR-210 target. Moreover, SDHD knockdown mimicked miR-210-mediated mitochondrial alterations. Finally, miR-210-dependent targeting of SDHD was able to activate HIF-1, in line with previous studies linking loss-of-function SDH mutations to HIF-1 activation. miR-210 can thus regulate mitochondrial function by targeting key ETC component genes with important consequences on cell metabolism, survival and modulation of HIF-1 activity. These observations help explain contradictory data regarding miR-210 expression and its putative function in solid tumors.

5. The caspase-cleaved form of LYN mediates a psoriasis-like inflammatory syndrome in mice., EMBO J. 2009 Aug 19;28(16):2449-60. Epub 2009 Jul 9. (Pubmed: 19590497)
Marchetti S, Gamas P, Belhacene N, Grosso S, Pradelli LA, Colosetti P, Johansen C, Iversen L, Deckert M, Luciano F, Hofman P, Ortonne N, Khemis A, Mari B, Ortonne JP, Ricci JE, Auberger P

We showed previously that Lyn is a substrate for caspases, a family of cysteine proteases, involved in the regulation of apoptosis and inflammation. Here, we report that expression of the caspase-cleaved form of Lyn (LynDeltaN), in mice, mediates a chronic inflammatory syndrome resembling human psoriasis. Genetic ablation of TNF receptor 1 in a LynDeltaN background rescues a normal phenotype, indicating that LynDeltaN mice phenotype is TNF-alpha-dependent. The predominant role of T cells in the disease occurring in LynDeltaN mice was highlighted by the distinct improvement of LynDeltaN mice phenotype in a Rag1-deficient background. Using pan-genomic profiling, we also established that LynDeltaN mice show an increased expression of STAT-3 and inhibitory members of the NFkappaB pathway. Accordingly, LynDeltaN alters NFkappaB activity underlying a link between inhibition of NFkappaB and LynDeltaN mice phenotype. Finally, analysis of Lyn expression in human skin biopsies of psoriatic patients led to the detection of Lyn cleavage product whose expression correlates with the activation of caspase 1. Our data identify a new role for Lyn as a regulator of psoriasis through its cleavage by caspases.

6. Gene expression profiling of imatinib and PD166326-resistant CML cell lines identifies Fyn as a gene associated with resistance to BCR-ABL inhibitors., Mol Cancer Ther. 2009 Jul;8(7):1924-33. Epub 2009 Jun 30. (Pubmed: 19567819)
Grosso S, Puissant A, Dufies M, Colosetti P, Jacquel A, Lebrigand K, Barbry P, Deckert M, Cassuto JP, Mari B, Auberger P

Imatinib is used to treat chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), but resistance develops in all phases of this disease. The purpose of the present study was to identify the mode of resistance of newly derived imatinib-resistant (IM-R) and PD166326-resistant (PD-R) CML cells. IM-R and PD-R clones exhibited an increase in viability and a decrease in caspase activation in response to various doses of imatinib and PD166326, respectively, as compared with parental K562 cells. Resistance involved neither mutations in BCR-ABL nor increased BCR-ABL, MDR1 or Lyn expression, all known modes of resistance. To gain insight into the resistance mechanisms, we used pangenomic microarrays and identified 281 genes modulated in parental versus IM-R and PD-R cells. The gene signature was similar for IM-R and PD-R cells, accordingly with the cross-sensitivity observed for both inhibitors. These genes were functionally associated with pathways linked to development, cell adhesion, cell growth, and the JAK-STAT cascade. Especially relevant were the increased expression of the tyrosine kinases AXL and Fyn as well as CD44 and HMGA2. Small interfering RNA experiments and pharmacologic approaches identified FYN as a candidate for resistance to imatinib. Our findings provide a comprehensive picture of the transcriptional events associated with imatinib and PD166326 resistance and identify Fyn as a new potential target for therapeutic intervention in CML.